Kamis, 25 April 2013

By Ustadz Jeffery Al-Bukhari

dare dating ..
means a very bold approach adultery sinful

Dare dating ..
Means that dare to ban almighty

Dare dating ..
Means dare to approach the fire of hell ..

Dare dating ..
Mean to commit a crime.

Dare dating ..
Means the courage to accept His wrath

Well ..
Still dare dating??

In Indonesian : 

By Ustadz Jefry Al-Bukhori
berani berpacaran..
berarti berani mendekati zina yg sangat berdosa

Berani berpacaran..
Berarti berani melakukan larangan yg maha kuasa

Berani berpacaran..
Berarti berani mendekati api neraka..

Berani berpacaran..
Berarti berani melakukan kejahatan.

Berani berpacaran..
Berarti berani menerima adzab-Nya

Masih beranikah berpacaran ?? 

Minggu, 21 April 2013


                      WHITE WATER THERAPY

1. Drink 2 glasses of water after waking up: Clean internal organs.
2. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals: Helping the entire digestive and kidney function.
3. Drink a glass of water before taking a bath: Lowering blood pressure.
4. Drink a glass of water before going to bed: Preventing strokes and attacks hea "THE sake of time ! Verily people is in loss, except those who believe, and whose pious and charitable-advised to truth and message-a message that advised patience"
-Surah Al A'sr-

Drink while sitting is better than standing up

Scientifically, there is a filter in our body Sfinger, the filter can be open when sitting, and closed when standing. The water we drink is not 100% processed by the body. When we drink while standing, the water we drink is not filtered by the filter sfringer as closed. Water that is not filtered by sfringer continue to enter the bladder (urinary bladder) and can cause disease Kidney Crystals
  That is why Prophet Muhammad forbade drinking while standing

Jumat, 19 April 2013

         tidak ada yang tahu

apa yang ada dalam hatiku
hanya aku dan Allah yang tahu
apa yang ada dalam benak ku
hanya aku dan Allah yang tahu
dan aku ingin berkata yang sebenarnya

ada yang tidak jujur
apa yang kau lihat
tidak sama dengan apa yang terjadi
ada kebohongan
dia terlihat baik

tapi hanya aku yang bersama dia setiap saat
dibalik itu
dia tidak jujur
hanya ingin terlihat baik

biar waktu yang menjawab
biar Allah yang membuka mata mu
dan membuka hati

agar kau tahu yang sesungguhnya
ya Allah
tunjukkan yang benar adalah benar
dan yang bathil adalah bathil


Kamis, 18 April 2013

                                     day afternoon

nothing special
in addition to trying to improve myself
in devotions
yaa Allah
please accept my good deeds
and forgive my sin
protect me from prejudice
protect me from all evil

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

          for my beloved mother

today is the day that my heart is very upset
I hear my mother is sick

I am in far away land
could only weep and pray
invoke healing for my mom
for my family away

I will never be able to repay a very sincere affection
just always made you sad
just always gave you troubles

I know
You were most sad when unfortunate happened to me
Since I now had become a mother
I really know what you felt

mother's love that never faded
to children and even grandchildren

May Allah gives you health
Only He who heals
and I begged of Him
may Allah grant you happiness
in this world and the hereafter

see my tears drop,mom
and I miss you so much
with all of my love

"My Lord, make me and my grandchild and people  keep establish the prayer, O Lord permit our prayer . Our Lord grant mercy to the both of mother and father and all the believers on the qiyamah." (Surah Ibrahim: 41- 42)

Kamis, 11 April 2013


early morning breeze sounded calm
between sleep and waking continued seclusion with Allah
between the temptation of Satan and angels whisper
I steeled myself by begging protection of Allah

Bismillaahir Rahmanir Raheem
in silence of third of the night 
I surrender myself to you
I beg forgiveness of YOU
begged for our happiness of the world and the hereafter
for me,my children and my grandchild

Yaa Allah
save us from creatures of the evil 
protect us from any disease
protect us from all immoral
made it easy all our affairs
we make easy of our worship

with all of Your sincerely

Senin, 08 April 2013

                                            THE GREAT DAY

I have a friend on a site, he greeted me .. and asked very little about Islam
I explained with a simple
He says he wants to know ALLAH and the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and I explained as much as I can
I was a little dubious to him, whether he's playing games or serious
And we did not communicate again for some time
In April the blessed
My friend greeted me and said again, I want to know ALLAH
Finally I find information who can guide him in 
the Muslim minority in the country, I am a bit of trouble to get a teacher,

and thank alhamdulillah, I got the information and contact numbers cleric of Marocco in my town, I remember he was always present to give lectures or a priest at 
 the place where I stay

With him, my friend got the guidance
Today Sunday, April 7, 2013, my friend embraced Islam,
Subhanallah walhamdulillah walaa ilaha ilallahu... Allahu Akbar
may Allah always guide us always on the right


Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Medication of Heart Disease and narrowness Chest

following we describe some of the causes and treatment facilities are very useful for a variety of liver diseases, as well as a powerful healer to eliminate tossing soul. Hopefully we can practice it in an honest and sincerity so that we can benefit from it in the form of happiness and peace of mind. Aamiin ..
1. Following the instructions, purified monotheism, and mengikhlaskan worship to Allah alone, as apostasy and polytheism was the biggest factor for the narrowness of the chest.
2. Keeping the faith that Allah is pinned into the hearts of His servants and the good deeds of a person.
3. Finding science yag shar'i useful. Each person gets wider syar'i science, the more airy heart anyway.
4. Repent and return to obedience to Allah's Glory, love Him with all your heart, and expose themselves to worship Him and enjoy Him.
5. Continuous dhikr to Allah in all circumstances and places. Because dhikr has an amazing influence in paving and expanding the chest, reassuring, and eliminate indecision and grief.
6. Do good to fellow beings as much as possible. For a man who is both generous human being again the most roomy chest, kindest and happiest soul heart.
7. Removing any debris despicable hearts of many properties that cause heart become narrow and tortured, like jealousy, hatred, envy, hostility, and kedhaliman.
In a hadith mentioning that the Prophet was asked about shalallahu'alaihi wasalam as best man, then beliaupun answered, "Everyone who clean his heart and his tongue is always true or honest." Then they are the companions said, the honest or true to his verbal, we have know, but what is a clean heart? "he said," is someone who is cautious and clean, that there is no sin on him, not dholim, no envy, nor jealousy. "[1]
8. Courage in defending the truth. People who dare to have a more spacious chest and heart wider.
9. Leaves something to be excessive in view, speaking, listening, socializing, eating, and sleeping. Leaving it all is one of the factors that could pave the chest, pleasing, and eliminate keduakaan and sadness.
10. Busied herself with charity or science that bemanfaat syar'i because it can prevent heart from the things that cast doubt on the liver.
11. Regarding activity today and not have to worry about the future and were sad to state that took place in the past. A servant must always strive in earnest in things that benefit him, both in terms of religion and the world. Lord also appealed to his success in achieving the aims and objectives and begged him to help in achieving that goal. It will be entertaining from keduakaan and sadness.
12. Looking for people who are down and do not look to people that are on the 'afiat (health and safety) and the fortune and pleasure world.
13. Forget the unpleasant things that have happened in the past, so it is not late to think about.
14. If something bad happens then it should try to alleviate that negative impacts can be avoided, and tried hard to prevent it according to his ability.
15. Keeping the energy of heart, it is not easy to be tempted and not affected delusion caused by bad thoughts, restrain anger, and do not worry about the loss of the things you like. But leave it to God to do things that are useful, and begged for forgiveness and afiat to God.
16. Relying heart to God as he put their trust Him. Berhusnudzan to Allah, the Lord of the Most Holy, the Most High. Therefore, those who put their trust in God will not be affected by indecision and doubt.
17. Someone who is intelligent menegetahui that real life is a happy and quiet life. Because life is so brief, therefore, should not be shortened further by the presence of a variety of grief and increased complaints. Because it is precisely the opposite is true and healthy life.
18. If hit by an unpleasant things he should compare the various pleasures that have been delegated to him, either religious or secular. When people were comparing it would seem obvious pleasure he got far more than the tragedy that he experienced. Besides, he would need to compare the occurrence of future danger is feared by many kemungkinana safety. Because of the possibility of a weak beat unlikely possibility of more and stronger. Thus will lose the sense of sadness and fear.
19. Knowing that the interference of other people will not harm or danger to him, especially in the form of bad words, but at it will only give harm to themselves. It did not need to put in your heart and do not need to think about, so it will not harm it.
20. Or her mind to the things that bring benefits for themselves, both in religion and world affairs.
21. He should not demand gratitude for the kindness he did, but expect a reply from God. And let him know that he is doing charity, is essentially a muamalah (braid) with Allah, so do not even bother thanks from people for what he gave her. Allah says which means,
"Surely we give food to you is to expect the pleasure of Allah, we did not want a reply from you nor thanks." (Surat al-Insan: 9)
22. Pay attention to things that are useful and trying to make it happen, and do not pay attention to things that are bad for him, so that the brain and the mind is not preoccupied by it.
23. Concentrating on the present and the future activities aside, so that the activities that will come up later and worked wholeheartedly.
24. Selecting and concentrating on useful activities, with emphasis on the more important. Let him plead to God for help, then ask for consideration of others, and if the choice had been in accordance with his steadiness, so please be carried out with full resignation to God.
25. Mention of the favor of Allah with praise, both the inner and dhahir. Therefore, recognizing and mention favors of Allah, then He will keep himself from indecision and distress.
26. Let hang out and treat your partner (husband and wife) and the relatives and all those who have a good relationship. if you find a shame, then do not spread, but also see the good in him. In this way, friendships and relationships will continue to be well maintained and the heart will be more spacious. In this regard, the Prophet said, "Let not a believing man hate believing woman (wife) if she hates a depraved, he would have been pleased with some others." (Narrated by Muslim)

27. Benediction apply fixes all things and affairs. And the greatest prayer concerning it is:

اللهم أصلح لى دينى الذى هو عصمة أمرى وأصلح لى دنياى التى فيها معاشى وأصلح لى آخرتى التى فيها معادى واجعل الحياة زيادة لى فى كل خي واجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر
"Allahumma ashlihlii diinii lladzii huwa 'ishmatu amrii, wa ashlihlii dunyaya llatii fiihaa ma'asyii, wa ashlihlii akhirotii llatii fiihaa ma'adii, waj'alilhayaata ziyaadatan lii fii Kulli khair, waj'alil mauta raahatan lii min Kulli syarr." (HR . Muslims)
O Allah mend me my religion as a bastion of my business; mend me my world as the place to life; amend akhiratku me the place my return! Make O God of life enhancer kindness to me and make my death as freedom from all evil.
Likewise with the following prayer:

اللهم رحمتك أرجو فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين, وأصلح لي شأني كله, لا إله إلا أنت
"Allahumma rahmataka arjuu falaa takilnii ilaa nafsii thorfata'ainin wa ashlihlii sya'nii kullahu, laa ilaha illa anta."
O Allah of mercy I am just hoping to get it. Therefore, do not you let me blink of an eye (with no help or mercy from You). Amend the whole affair, there is no god worthy of worship but You
28. Jihad in Allah's path. It is based on the words of the Prophet shalallu'alaihi yours respectfully, "strive in the way of Allah, because the jihad in Allah's way is a door from the doors of heaven, which God saved from grief and sadness."
Sources: Benediction and wirid, Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Ustadz Jawaz, Reader Imam Shafi'i.
Articles Muslimah.or.Id
-[1] pronunciation hadith reads,

أفضل الناس كل مخموم القلب صدوق اللسان, قالوا: صدوق اللسان نعرفه فما مخموم القلب? قال: التقي النقي, لا إثم فيه و لا بغي و لا غل و لا حسد
"The best man is a clean heart and his tongue is always true or honest." Then they are the companions said, the honest or true to his verbal, we already know, but what is a clean heart? "He replied," That is someone who is cautious and clean, that there is no sin on him, not dholim, no envy, nor jealousy. "
HR. 4216 Ibn Majah and Ibn 'Asakir (17/29/2). Shaykh Albani said, "This hadeeth has a saheeh isnaad and the tsiqat Rijal (trusted)". (As-genealogy-Shaihah 948 Ash, Ash-Syamilah Maktabah-ed)
translation of Muslima or.id